Balin Vogn Stewart

Born on 08/09/2005, Balin’s middle name Vogn (pronounced Vaughan) is the initials of his grandparents Velia, Olwyn, Graham, and Neville. Balin’s dad Michael has Indian ancestry. In Hindi Balin means “soldier” and in Indian “Mighty Warrior”. Mick is also an avid surfer, so the surf brand Balin also had an influence.

Balin was loved across the whole Sunshine Coast and surrounds. His fun-loving, free-willed, and bright spirit was sure to make everyone smile. From surfing and wakeboarding to acrobatics, Balin gave everything a go.

Michael and Kerri-Lyn want to say a massive thank-you to all those who have supported them in the wake of Balin’s passing.

The profound grief, anguish, and fury that swept through the community in the wake of Balin’s untimely passing were immeasurable. Emergency responders grimly acknowledged that the severity of Balin’s wound rendered it not survivable, underscoring the tragic finality of the situation. Even had he been within the immediate vicinity of a hospital at the time of the attack, the outcome would have remained unchanged.

In the face of overwhelming sorrow, Balin’s parents, Michael and Kerri-Lyn, exhibited remarkable resilience and determination. Rather than succumbing to despair, they channelled their anguish into a powerful drive to enact meaningful change within the Sunshine Coast community. Their unwavering commitment to Honor Balin’s memory by fostering positive transformation serves as a beacon of hope amidst the darkest of tragedies.


The #BinTheBladeForBalin movement’s primary goal is to persuade anyone who owns a knife to “bin it”. If a knife is not present during an altercation, it cannot cause any harm.

Further to that aim, is the goal to educate and forewarn youths about the dangers and consequences that a simple act of violence can have. As well as the pain experienced by the victim’s family, most young people don’t realise the ripple effect that a spur-of-the-moment decision can have on their own family, friends, and their future.

Education and Awareness

The Balin Stewart Foundation has a three-pronged approach to achieve its primary purpose which is harm prevention of injury and death due to incidents involving “edged weapons” such as knives. This includes Education, Awareness and Events.


The foundation is continually involved in the ongoing development and delivery of resources for teens, youths, parents, carers, teachers, and other community members aimed at preventing injury and death.

These include presentations, materials and tools that support individuals to:

  • Understand the ramifications – legal, physical and mental – of the harm caused by edged weapons.
  • Rethink “reasons” for carrying an edged weapon.
  • Safety plan for the purpose of harm prevention
  • Promote help-seeking behaviours from victims of low-level incidents to alert anyone in a position of authority such as a parent or teacher for preventative measures/intervention to be undertaken.

Further to the above, programs will be developed to provide education and awareness for frontline educators and other professionals to be able to identify and respond effectively to potentially harmful behaviours in high-school age children.

#binthebladeforbalin Movement


A community awareness campaign aimed at education of the entire community of the legal, physical, and mental effects caused by incidents involving edged weapons.

Some of the initiatives undertaken are:

  • Laptop stickers, where the aim is to have a sticker on every high school student’s laptop in the country has a sticker. This advertises the Foundation’s website.
  • Bumper vehicle stickers to help parents, teachers & carers spread awareness though the wider community.
  • Subject to agreement from relative government departments, the Foundation will seek to have large stickers on residential wheelie bins – initially across the Sunshine Coast – as a constant reminder across the region of the movement.
  • A range of fashion wear that promotes the #BinthebladeforBalin message to promote a positive teen culture and to not carry edged weapons. This will also include a range of corporate wear aimed at parents, teachers & other careers who wish to promote anti-knife messaging in the wider community.

Other merchandise will be available from the website to promote the #Binthebladeforbalin movement


Part of enacting positive change, is through our thought provoking presentations given by Balin’s father Michael Stewart. For further information on our presentations and to book one for your school or organisation, please click HERE



Part of enacting positive change, is through our thought provoking presentations given by Balin’s father Michael Stewart. For further information on our presentations and to book one for your school or organisation, please click HERE



Part of enacting positive change, is through our thought provoking presentations given by Balin’s father Michael Stewart. For further information on our presentations and to book one for your school or organisation, please click HERE



9 + 5 =

The Balin Stewart Foundation is a
Deductible Gift Recipient. All donations
$2 and over are tax deductible.
